Back to School

Back to School time is here!

Get those kiddos on track

  • Create a morning and evening schedule & start them out a few days before the 1st day of school. Get that routine going!

    • I learned the kids absolutely loved this when I had to be out of town and wanted to help dad out. Printed off a schedule with approximate times and they started following it the day before I left. Attached to their bathroom wall and also on the fridge. 

  • There are a number of options… here's one…

  • Clothing Organizer for Monday - Friday -

Lunch box Maintenance

  • Refrigerator organization

  • Lunch organizers and setting up a zone for all these things.

    • Ones with separation - charcuterie for kids - they love them! 

    • Thermos - keep things warm and expand the options

    • Good old ziplock bags

    • Storing these items together in a bin so you can easily find everything you need during those busy mornings. Kids can also help when they know where to locate everything.

Paper Management

  • Bless these teachers and all they do with the kids but I get about 20 papers per kid sent home weekly. 

    • Make it a habit to go through those papers daily or weekly. Decide what can be tossed. What needs praised or maybe needs revisited for learning… and what needs kept. 

    •  From there file away. Permanent storage which is the memorabilia bin… A quick and easy way to store your favorite things from each grade. Also, you could snap a photo each month of favorites and make a book or put in a photo frame (my kids love to draw and each piece is a masterpiece of course!)

    • Temporary storage which may be a folder tucked in a bin or at a command center or desk. These include teachers' contact info… future field trips… etc.


Pack Like a Pro: Tips For a Stress-free Move